MBSR — Week 5 is here!

Big day today, as the start of week 5 means this week I’ll be doing sittings of up to 45 minutes at a time. We’ll see how it goes!
Day 1:
-As I couldn’t complete the 45′ in one go (I stopped after 25′ in the afternoon), I decided to sit for 20′ in the evening to complete the daily 45′. 
Day 2:
-Did the body scan in the afternoon,  but was asleep even before I finished the left leg! So, I decided to sit in the evening: the plan was to do 30′ with no shifting. Internal dialogue during the sitting went something like this:
-I wish the alarm would go off already.
-You can do this; if you sit for 20′, you can sit for 30′.
-I’M BORED. When will the 30′ end???
-Me to my mind: Enough. I can do this. Give it your best shot to try to make me stop [random itching had already started]; I’m not moving from here until I am done.  I CAN DO THIS.
-I’m bored. 
-It doesn’t matter if you’re bored, you’re staying here, and you are not shifting your position or scratching. Go back to your breath. 
-Alarm went off! I did it!!!!

4 responses to “MBSR — Week 5 is here!

  1. Congratulations! 45 mn of sitting meditation sounds pretty tough… Fortunately I still have some time in front of me, I have just finished week 2!

    • marianamcloughlin

      Are you writing reports on your experinece, too? Would love to read how others are doing with the course!

  2. Yes, I started two weeks ago: http://waytomindfulness.wordpress.com. Feel free to come by!

Let me know what you think!